2023 Board Nominations

Board nominations are now open!

Atheists United is California’s largest atheist membership organization. As a nonprofit, we are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected by our membership.

To qualify for the board you must have an active membership of Atheists United and you must have been an active member for at least 3-months in the past year (at least 6-months for Officer positions). If your membership has lapsed, you must renew your membership before September 18th.

You must also maintain your membership throughout your term on the board.

To run for the Youth Representative position, you must be under the age of 35 at the time of election and meet the same 3-month membership requirement as Directors-At-Large.

Seats open this election:

  • President

  • Secretary

  • Director-at-Large

  • Director-at-Large

  • Director-at-Large

Nominations close and voting begins at our Members Meeting & Open House on September 17th.

Online voting will then be available until October 22nd at 12pm (noon).



+ When is the election?

The election begins at the Members Meeting & Open House on September 17th and ends October 22nd. Online voting will close at 12pm on October 22nd.

+ How do I cast a vote?

Voting will be held online. The online voting portal will be open to members starting October 1st. We will email further instructions and your unique voter ID code. If you have not received a link, voter ID code, and instructions by October 10th, please email evan@atheistsunited.org.

+ What is my voter ID code?

To ensure election integrity, each active membership has been assigned a unique voter ID code. If the member info and ID code do not match, that vote will not be counted.

Voter ID codes will be emailed to each member along with voting instructions. If you lost or did not receive a voter ID code, please email evan@atheistsunited.org or call 323-666-4258 as soon as possible to receive a new one.

+ Can I write in a candidate's name?

Yes. You can write in someone's name for any position. If they meet eligibility requirements, they will be considered in the final tally.

+ Can I abstain?

Yes. You can leave a section blank if you do not wish to vote for a particular board seat.

+ What are the candidate requirements?

To be eligible for election, candidates must have a sustaining membership for at least 3 out of the previous 12 months. If elected, board members must maintain an active membership throughout their entire 2-year term.

Candidates for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer must have a paid membership for at least 6 out of the previous 12 months.

Candidates for Youth Representative must have a paid membership for at least 3 out of the previous 12 months AND must be under the age of 35 by time of election.

+ What is a director-at-large?

A "director-at-large" is a board member who does not hold an officer position (president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer).

+ What is a youth representative?

A "youth representative" is a board member who does not hold an officer position (president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer) and additionally is under the age of 35 at time of election.

+ Can candidates run for multiple positions?

No, candidates can only run for one seat at a time.

+ Do I have to be a member to vote?

Yes. The deadline to become a member to vote in this election is September 17th.

+ How can I check my membership status?

Please email evan@atheistsunited.org

+ How long are board terms?

Elected board members serve two year terms that start on January 1st follwing the election.

+ When will the results be announced?

The results will be announced on Atheists United's website no later than December 1st.

+ What is the time commitment to be a board member?

Board members are expected to give a minimum of 4 hours per month to attending monthly board meetings and committee meetings virtually. On top of that, board members are expecteded to keep up with all board digital communications and involve themselves in various committee projects where able.

+ What are the duties and responsibilities of a board member?

According to BoardSource.org the primary duties of a non-profit board member are:

Duty of Care — Each board member has a legal responsibility to participate actively in making decisions on behalf of the organization and to exercise their best judgment while doing so.

Duty of Loyalty — Each board member must put the interests of the organization before their personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of the organization in a decision-making capacity. The organization’s needs come first.

Duty of Obedience — Board members bear the legal responsibility of ensuring that the organization complies with the applicable federal, state, and local laws and adheres to its mission.

For further reading on non-profit board responsibilieis we recommend this article on 11 Nonprofit Board Member Responsibilities

+ What are the current board committees?

All board members are required to serve on at least two board committees. Committees meet virtually once per month and are chaired by a member of the board.

Current Committees:

Governance Committee

Fundraising & Membership Committee

Finance Committee

Program Committee

+ Why can't atheists solve exponential equations?

Because they don't believe in higher powers.

+ I have another question!

Please email evan@atheistsunited.org