SMART Recovery Los Angeles
There’s Life Beyond Addiction.
SMART Recovery LA can help you get there.
SMART Recovery® (Self Management And Recovery Training) helps individuals gain independence from addictive substances and activities in safe and secular support group meetings.
In-Person Meetings:
Every Tuesday at 7pm @ Center for Inquiry West
2535 W Temple Ave, Los Angeles CA 90026
Please check in with David by phone or text at (213) 276-9692 to register for the meeting.
If no one registers, the meeting will be cancelled.
All are welcome.
Must be vaccinated to enter the building.
Parking is available in rear of the building.
Change myself, change the world
Welcome to our community! Our discussions are based on scientific knowledge, and evolve as scientific knowledge evolves. SMART is helpful for some participants primarily because they become involved with a new community of helpful and friendly people.
For others, SMART is helpful primarily because they learn new ways of thinking about themselves and their behavior. Although we have science-based ideas for you to consider, no one will tell you what to do. Our slogan is “Discover the Power of Choice.”
For many SMART is a combination of new community and new ways of thinking. You can be involved with SMART in whatever way you want to. We look forward to your participation.