Our Meetup is hosted every 1st Monday and 3rd Thursday evening of the month (3rd Thursday in person and 1st Monday on Zoom). All are welcome!
🛑What to expect:
Discussion sparked by short videos about atheism, religion, science, current events, critical thinking, comedy, life hacks, health, and beyond >>> followed by moderated discussions.
🛑Meeting format:
This is a place for atheists to meet, have dinner with each other (eating on camera is ok), and network with fellow atheists, skeptics, and humanists.
A few agnostics and religious people sometimes show up and participate and they are welcome as long as they leave the dogma and proselytizing at home.
We mandate courtesy and respect to fellow attendees. First and foremost, this is a social gathering and support group for like-minded persons, not a debate club. If you're coming just to argue on matters of religion or politics, don't bother showing up, you're not going to convert anyone, and you will be asked to leave.
This is a 2-hour event, but often we go overtime when the discussion and the great atmosphere it requires; or when we can't get enough of seeing familiar faces and perhaps some new ones. Feel free to stay as long or as short as you'd like.
Look out for topics posted in the discussion section and please place your own ideas, questions, or concerns in the comments and please feel free to private message any of our co-organizers by clicking on their names.
We welcome your unique point of view and add to the discussion.
All Meetup fees are paid by our Atheists United and its generous members and donors. Consider a donation today!