$1,000 Scholarship Winner Announced

Atheists United, in partnership with the Secular Student Alliance and the Humanist Association of Orange County, is proud to announce the 2020 recipient of our $1,000 SSA Student Scholarship.

UCLA School of Dentistry

Bradley is in his second year of graduate school and received his undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences with departmental honors. In high school and college, he devoted much of his free time to take on leadership roles in organizations helping adults and children with physical and mental disabilities.

As a gay, former Orthodox Jewish American, Bradley had an interesting path to his secular identity. Growing up in an Orthodox Jewish community, he describes his experience as “living in a bubble.” Not knowing anyone outside of the community, his worldview was limited. Moving to New York City to attend college prompted new interactions with different minority groups and people. Reflecting on the AIDS epidemic and LGBTQ+ struggles, he began to move away from his religious upbringing. Deciding that “the only way to live [his] life happily and with any purpose would be to come out and begin to live a secular life with distance from [his] religious upbringing.”

He is a member of his local LGBT center where he assists current and former members of the religious Jewish communities to become confident in being their true selves. Bradley’s scholarship is sponsored by Atheists United and the Humanist Association of Orange County.

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To learn more about Atheists United’s scholarship program CLICK HERE.


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